Friday, June 6, 2008

New things I'm working on

I don't have a driver's license. I lived in cities where you didn't really need one. Public transit was easy and affordable and reliable. But now I live in Southern California where the cult of the car is strong. So I've been learning to drive. I got my learner's permit a few months ago and I've been practicing. And it's been an experience. I was scared to death. I still am sometimes. I used to have nightmares about driving. It was never something I could envision myself doing. Slowly but surely I've become more comfortable in the car. I still get nervous from time to time but I CAN drive and I've learned I can control the vehicle. My driving test is in four days time now and I keep thinking about it and hoping I pass. Nightmare scenarios flash through my mind. I forget which is the gas pedal and which is the brake. I turn on the windshield wipers for no reason and then can't remember how to turn them off. I cause a massive accident. Oh my goodness. This is not productive. I need some positive thoughts. I'm working on it!

In order to calm myself when thoughts of driving disasters overcome me, I've been making soap. This new hobby is great fun. Rick and I found a book in the library that inspired us and ever since then we've been making soap almost every day. The apartment is full of soap and stinks of lavender and plumeria. Or apple and honey almond. We are so clean because we have to test drive all our batches. We are constantly bathing. We have soap stacked everywhere. It's very relaxing to make soap and it looks and smells so pretty it gives me a lot of satisfaction. I'm not much of an artist. Rick is always painting and sculpting but I'm pretty hopeless with visual creativity. I'm not even good at posting pictures on this blog! But I can manage to make really nice soap!! If you want some let me know! ;)


Alicia Chenaux said...

Is that oatmeal soap?? Oh wow, I haven't had homemade soap in ages. I used to buy from this soapmaker on Ebay years ago and she made the most awesome soap. It was creamy and scrubby all at the same time. I should learn to do it. Lord knows I have the time. LOL

I didn't get my drivers license until I was 19, because I didn't have a need for it. And honestly, driving STILL scares me [I'm 30] but I think that a little fear is good. It keeps you safer in the long run. :)

Aimee said...

Yes it is oatmeal soap with honey and milk! It is a lot of fun!! We had some accidents with sea kelp. We thought it would be a nice exfoliant but it made our soap smell like dead lobster :( WE're learning by trial and error. Kind of like my driving. haha!